A Look into Vascular Ultrasound and What it Entails

Vascular Ultrasound

An ultrasound is an imaging test that doctors use in the diagnosis and treatment of different medical conditions. It also offers guidance as the doctor directs a needle or catheter into a vein in order to avoid misplacement, resulting in bleeding and nerve injury complications. There are different types of ultrasounds, including abdominal and vaginal ultrasounds. For example, your doctor uses vascular ultrasound in Tomball to see and evaluate your blood vessels. The test is painless as it rarely causes any complications. Below is all you need to know about a vascular ultrasound.

What is a vascular ultrasound?

It is a non-invasive imaging test that allows physicians to assess and treat your medical conditions. The test does not require any use of contrast dye injection, which makes it painless. Avascular ultrasound sends high-frequency waves throughout your body, and the sound bounces back to a handheld device called a probe. A computer translates the sounds into images that your doctor can evaluate to assess your condition. Vascular ultrasounds usually involve doppler ultrasound, a unique imaging technique that helps your doctor visit and evaluate the blood flow in blood vessels, including veins and arteries.

Why would I need a vascular ultrasound?

The different reasons why your specialist may recommend a vascular ultrasound include:

  • The evaluation of varicose veins. These are enlarged veins that develop as a result of weakened or damaged veins in your legs.
  • To determine the success of procedures that bypass blood vessels.
  • Monitor blood flow in the different organs and tissues in your body.
  • To detect deep vein thrombosis, which is a condition whereby blood clots in the prominent veins of the legs or arms.
  • Determine whether you are eligible for procedures such as angioplasty.
  • Locate and identify blockage within your blood vessels to offer effective treatment.

How do I prepare for a vascular ultrasound?

No special requirements are needed as you get ready for this test. It is safe to eat and drink as you usually would. However, since the examination involves your abdominal vessels, it is best to fast before the procedure. Be sure to wear comfortable and loose-fitting clothing. Most of the time, patients change into a hospital gown and remove all their jewelry before the test. In the case of children, talk to them before the test to make them comfortable. To ensure a smooth experience, bring toys, books, or video games they love, to act as a distraction. It is even better if the exam room has a television that can be tuned to your child’s favorite channel or show.

What to Expect During the Test

  • You will lie on a flat padded exam table during the test.
  • The physician applies a water-soluble gel on the area to be examined. It does not corrode your skin or stain your clothes.
  • By placing a transducer over your gel-coated skin, the doctor sees internal body images on a computer. You may experience mild discomfort as the doctor applies pressure to obtain more precise shots.
  • The test takes approximately 30 to 90 minutes, and afterward, patients can resume normal activities.

Avascular ultrasound allows your doctor to detect any problems in your blood vessels. To learn more about vascular ultrasound, consult with your physician at Cardiovascular Institute PA.

How is Cutting Edge Technology Helping Neuro Patients in Atlanta?

Neuro Patients

Neurology is a branch of medicine that undergoes rapid technological advancements. Technology has taken the ease of neurosurgeries to the next level. The level of precision has also increased substantially. Such a paradigm shift of medical practices in locations like Atlanta has given everyone great relief. Not only has there been a total change in outlook towards medical technology, but people have also started to believe in the surgical benefits of technology. Moreover, getting regenerative injections in Atlanta for neuro-related diseases is easier than ever before. Many clinics and health centers in Atlanta are taking extra care to implement modern changes in medicine.

Minimally invasive spine surgery is another trademark in this newly changed field of neuroscience. It refers to the method where spinal surgery is carried out through the smallest size incision possible. This way the healing time is drastically reduced. The patients feel relaxed and can go back to their normal life as early as possible.

Such surgical methods are performed only by expert medical practitioners. You should be careful when it comes to choosing the clinic for neurosurgeries.

Nowadays, regenerative injection therapy is gaining more and more popularity. This is mainly because of the effectiveness of the method. Even though certain myths are hanging around this method, the success rate is impressive. Regenerative injection therapy uses existing cells from your body to cure itself. This method has been highly recommended by doctors as of recent.

Motor vehicle accidents often cause serious spinal injuries. Some injuries can even leave you bedridden for years to come if not treated properly. Medical centers in Atlanta are specially equipped to handle accident cases with utmost delicacy and care.

The repercussions of an accident can sometimes lead to multiple neural fractures. In such situations, you should choose medical centers with comprehensive care units. The casual assumption is to consult a general physician. This can cause serious setbacks for your health since the treatment might not point specifically at the injury. Accident casualties require immediate attention and accurate checkups. No time should be wasted before getting the patient to the nearest neurological specialist once the injury is confirmed.

The common symptoms of neurological diseases are as follows:

  • Severe pain in the joints
  • Neck pain
  • Mild to severe pain in the back and vertebrae
  • Regular muscle spasms
  • Coordination issues
  • Degeneration in limbs
  • Constant headaches

These are some of the most common symptoms of an underlying neurological disease. Keep an eye out for such symptoms. Always remember, the right modern treatments can help you fight neuro diseases at an early stage.

Here is Everything You Need to Know About Nasal Congestion

Nasal Congestion

If nasal congestion prevents you from getting a decent night’s sleep or breathing effectively, do not hesitate to contact a doctor. With early diagnosis and care, nasal congestion frequently responds to mild, nonsurgical care procedures. At the convenient office locations in East Hampton, New York, and Midtown East, Manhattan, Richard L. Nass, M.D., F.A.C.S., and his staff can efficiently address nasal congestion. They employ advanced treatment options, such as the VIVAER® technique, to obtain the best outcomes possible. Find out more about Midtown East nasal congestion care by calling the office or booking an appointment online right away.

What is the Meaning of Nasal Congestion?

Nasal congestion, sometimes known as a stuffy nose, is a frequent but irritating condition caused by an inherent health issue such as sinusitis or an upper respiratory infection. Numerous cases of nasal congestion may be treated with rest and over-the-counter medication, but if your symptoms last longer than a few days, they may suggest a more severe problem.

How Can You Determine if You Have Nasal Congestion?

Nasal congestion can cause the following symptoms:

  • A stuffy or runny nose
  • Sinus discomfort
  • More drainage
  • Mucus accumulation
  • Breathing problems

If you have nasal congestion, you may also notice inflamed nasal tissue.

When Should You Visit an Otolaryngologist Concerning Nasal Congestion?

Nasal congestion is a prevalent condition that affects practically everybody at some point in their lives. Nonetheless, particular signs point to a possibly serious underlying medical condition. Schedule a meeting with Dr. Nass and his colleagues if your nasal congestion:

  • Persists for more than ten days
  • Is coupled with soreness or a green nasal discharge
  • Is followed by fever
  • Happens alongside bloody nasal discharge

You must also obtain expert care if you have been identified with a compromised immune system, asthma, or emphysema.

How Can You Tell if You Have Nasal Congestion?

When diagnosing nasal congestion, Dr. Nass looks through your health records and inquiries concerning your symptoms. He might ask questions such as when your symptoms began, how severe they are, and if any activities, such as being outside, exacerbate them.

Dr. Nass then does a thorough physical examination. He shines a strong light in your ears and nose, checks your throat, and asks you to complete a questionnaire. If these tests do not reveal enough about your condition, he may arrange an MRI to check your sinuses in greater detail.

What Are the Care Options for Nasal Congestion?

Care for nasal congestion varies according to the underlying reason for your condition and the seriousness of your symptoms. Typically, Dr. Nass suggests conservative, at-home procedures such as utilizing a humidifier, saline sprays, as well as keeping your head up to enhance mucus flow through your nasal passages.

If your symptoms persist, Dr. Nass might propose turbinoplasty, septoplasty, and/or nasal resculpting surgeries. The VIVAER technique is an outpatient operation that reshapes your nasal valves using radiofrequency energy. After having the VIVAER procedure, numerous patients notice an immediate improvement in their nasal breathing.

If nasal congestion has constantly been troubling you and does not improve with over-the-counter or home remedies, consult an otolaryngologist to establish the cause and best care plan. To schedule a consultation, call the office of Richard L. Nass, M.D., to talk to a team member or book online.

A Breakdown of Sports Physicals

Sports Physicals

A sports physical is a medical examination for a child or adolescent who wants to play a more competitive or intense sport than recreation league sports, such as baseball or T-ball. A doctor will check the athlete’s health and fitness level before participating in this type of sport.

A McKinney sports physical specialist helps prevent injury or health problems. For instance, if the doctor finds that an athlete has poor vision or heart defects, he may recommend corrective lenses or surgery. The doctor will also check for other problems, such as skin diseases and bone problems, affecting performance.

What happens during a sports physical?

The doctor first asks you about your past health and any medical problems. Then the doctor will do a physical examination, which may include:

  • Testing vision and hearing,
  • Checking heart rate and blood pressure
  • Listening to breathing sounds
  • Checking for orthopedic problems
  • Examining eyes for signs of disease or injury
  • Looking at your skin for signs of infection
  • Checking your spine for signs of scoliosis

The doctor will also ask you about your family’s health history to see if there is a pattern of genetic diseases that might affect you or your child.

They may also conduct tests to diagnose health problems, such as an electrocardiogram (EKG) to check the heart’s electrical activity, a urinalysis or urine culture to test for kidney or bladder infections, and a blood count to look for possible disease.

What if You Fail Your Sports Physical?

If the doctor finds abnormalities, he may make a referral to another health care provider. For example, he might recommend that you see an ophthalmologist (eye doctor), cardiologist (heart specialist), or orthopedic surgeon if there is a problem with your eyes, heart, bones, or muscles. If you fail your sports physical for any reason, the doctor will tell you why. You should not participate in this type of sport until your health problems are corrected, and you get written permission from your parents and physician.

In general, most people who have a physical fail because of problems with the heart or lungs. These include high blood pressure, problems with the aorta or mitral valve in your heart, or a problem with your lung cartilage that makes it hard to breathe.

Also, many athletes fail their sports physicals because of problems with vision and hearing. You may need to wear corrective lenses or hearing aids to participate in the sport.

What Does it Mean When You Pass a Sports Physical?

If you pass your sports physical, you are healthy enough to participate in the sport. It does not guarantee that you will never have a severe accident or injury. It also does not guarantee that you will be a great athlete. Even if you pass all your tests, there is no way to predict how well you will perform in the sport.

To summarize, a sports physical is a medical examination for a child or adolescent who wants to play a more competitive or intense sport than recreation league sports. Your doctor will ask about your medical history, conduct a physical exam, and carry out further tests to identify any health issues during the examination. If you fail, they may refer you to other medical professionals for treatment. If you pass, you can take part in intense sports, but it does not mean you won’t suffer from an injury while at it.

Tips on How to Maintain Good Eye Health

Good Eye Health

Good eyesight is an essential component of living a healthy life. It enables you to perform well in your endeavors. However, most people overlook the importance of having good eye health. You will have good vision throughout your life by taking care of your eyes.

It is now possible to find a blue light glasses expert in Maitland with ease. Below we discuss some top tips on how to have good eye health.

1. Take Breaks from your TV and Computers

Looking at tablets or smartphones for a long time will make your eyes strain. A study has shown that these devices emit blue light that causes harm to the eyes. This blue light destroys the retina.

It is advisable to take a break from these screens to prevent redness. You can indulge in an activity that will make you busy or take a moment to walk around, away from your screens.

2. Eat Healthy Diets

It will help to know that having good eye health begins with the components in your plate. It is advisable to take food rich in antioxidants to achieve this. Examples of such foods include leafy vegetables.

Others include sardines and salmon. These fish are essential in any meal because they have omega-3 acids. It is believed that these acids slow the macula’s degeneration.

3. Shun Smoking

A study has shown that smokers are three times more likely to have weak eyesight compared to non-smokers. This statistic is because a cigarette contains toxic components that harm the eyes.

These components, in turn, raise the occurrence of cataracts. It is believed that smoking also worsens certain eye conditions.

4. Put Sunglasses On

You will protect your eyes by using the correct pair of sunglasses. These glasses prevent ultraviolet rays from reaching the eyes. You are more likely to get macular degeneration by exposing yourself to these rays.

It will help to pick a pair that blocks over 98% of these rays. An example is the wraparound lenses that keep your eyes safe from the side. Also, some contact lenses keep the eyes safe from UV rays.

5. Make Use of Eyewear

It will be best to wear safety glasses if you use hazardous materials at work. Sports like lacrosse can also cause eye injury, and that is why you should always protect the eyes.

There are also helmets with safe masks that shield the eyes from harm.

6. Have Frequent Checkups by the Doctor

We all need frequent eye checkups to have a seamless sight. It is through these checkups that doctors find diseases that lack symptoms. These diseases are easy to treat when detected at an early stage.

A complete eye exam consists of:

  • Sharing your medical history with the doctor
  • Taking part in vision tests
  • Tests that show whether your eyes work well
  • Nerve tests to detect glaucoma
  • Microscopic examination

Final Thoughts

Proper eyesight is essential for everybody. Lack of a good sight means you cannot conduct some activities with ease. From the above information, it is now easy to look after your eyes for a better sight.

Here is Your Guide to Men’s Plastic Surgery

Men’s Plastic Surgery

Men are increasingly seeking plastic surgery to maintain and improve their appearance. Regardless of gender, you still deserve to look as good as you feel. If you seek to enhance your appearance, consult Dr. Leo Urbinelli in Portland at PNW Plastic Surgery to discover your alternatives today.

What is Men’s Plastic Surgery?

Men’s plastic surgery is a distinct branch of plastic surgery that is rising in popularity. Men, like women, wish to age gracefully and may seek plastic surgery to regain a more youthful appearance.

Though men and women may have similar objectives for plastic surgery, some of their aspirations may be distinct, and the techniques used to achieve them may differ. Dr. Urbinelli is a professional and competent plastic surgeon specializing in men’s plastic surgery.

He knows the male physique and men’s ambitions, and he tailors cosmetic care to their specific demands and objectives. Dr. Urbinelli offers natural, long-lasting plastic surgery treatments that keep you looking like yourself but more youthful and refreshed.

What Are the Types of Men’s Plastic Surgery Procedures?

Dr. Urbinelli offers a variety of modern approaches for men’s plastic and reconstructive surgery at PNW Plastic Surgery. The following are among the most typical operations he conducts on men:

Jaw surgery

Dr. Urbinelli is a Pacific Northwest cosmetic and reconstructive jaw surgery specialist with extensive experience. He specializes in orthognathic surgery (corrective jaw surgery), including LeFort maxillary osteotomies (correcting upper jaw discrepancies and alignment) and mandibular (lower jaw) osteotomies.

Dr. Urbinelli may prescribe mandibular angle augmentation to gain a more chiseled jawline, a mandibular shave to minimize or recontour an area, or facial implants (cheek, piriform, scalp, chin) to boost the cosmetic aspect of the face to improve facial contours in men. Dr. Urbinelli may also use facial fillers or injections to address these problem areas more creatively.

Chin Surgery

Dr. Urbinelli delivers chin surgery, also known as genioplasty, in various ways to reposition and remodel the chin to restore facial harmony. This can be achieved using implants or using the patient’s bone. To improve the appearance of the soft chin tissue, fat grafting, collagen injection, or other fillers may be viable.


Do you want to improve or tone a specific body part? Do you have stubborn love handles or a double chin, or are you working on a more chisel chest/abdomen to show off a 6-pack of muscles? Liposuction can be beneficial. It reduces fat and enhances body shaping and contouring.

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

Dr. Urbinelli may prescribe a tummy tuck to his male patients to help re-establish abdominal contour and muscular tone. He eliminates excess fat and skin during the surgery and adjusts your muscles to create a more defined look that lasts.

What Happens During A Men’s Plastic Surgery Consultation?

When you come to PNW Plastic Surgery for a men’s plastic surgery consultation, you can anticipate a patient-centered assessment. Dr. Urbinelli treats each patient with dignity and care, taking the time to learn your issues and goals. Next, he will discuss your plastic surgery alternatives with you and engage with you to create a plan that best matches your needs.

Call PNW Plastic Surgery or use the online scheduling feature to set up a consultation with a men’s plastic surgery expert.

What Can Radiofrequency Do for Me?

Radiofrequency Ablation

Radiofrequency vein ablation (RFA) is a minimally invasive in-office procedure that takes about 30-45 minutes to treat venous insufficiency and varicose veins. RFA may be a promising treatment alternative for you if you have these painful, unsightly veins, leg pain, burning, or swelling. If you need radiofrequency ablation in New York, Elite Veins NY specialists can help. Call or make an online appointment today.

What Is Radiofrequency Ablation?

Radiofrequency vein ablation (RFA) is a minimally invasive treatment for venous insufficiency and varicose veins. In RFA, a small plastic catheter provides heat to the vein wall, causing it to shrink and then seal shut. Once the vein has been sealed shut, the blood is routed to surrounding healthy veins for improved circulation in the area.

Radiofrequency vein ablation has surpassed the more invasive vein stripping procedures done in hospitals and the more painful laser vein ablations as the most popular alternative. RFA is linked with far less tissue effect and a faster and more comfortable recovery than vein stripping procedures, including laser vein ablation. Compared to stripping methods or bleeding and bruising associated with laser vein ablation, RFA uses tiny incisions, resulting in significantly less scarring.

What Happens During the RF Procedure?

As an outpatient procedure, radiofrequency vein ablation can be performed in the office. Dr. Radwaner first utilizes ultrasound imaging to map out the vein. He employs a local anesthetic to numb the treatment area and mark the incision site. Then he makes a small incision in the vein that has been damaged. Dr. Radwaner can use the incision to insert a thin, flexible catheter into the compromised vein. The radiofrequency device gets advanced to the damaged area of the vein once the catheter is in position.

This device directs controlled energy beams along the damaged portion of the vein, causing it to shrink and the vein to seal shut. Because the RFA catheter allows precise measurement of the temperature reached within the vein, which laser vein ablation does not, there will be less bleeding, bruising, and tissue damage.

After treating the vein, Dr. Radwaner uses ultrasound to analyze the results before removing the catheter. When the procedure is finished, he removes the catheter and RFA device and applies a special dressing to the incision.

What Is Recovery Like After RF Ablation?

You will be able to walk immediately after your RF ablation treatment, and in fact, regular walking is encouraged to aid recovery and circulation. You must wear the dressing that was applied after the procedure for at least 48 hours. You’ll also need to return to the office for a brief follow-up exam and an ultrasound to ensure the vein is closed.

Insurance Policy

Elite Veins NY is a concierge practice that does not charge a concierge fee. Please provide your insurance policy number and group number to the office before your appointment so that they can check your out-of-network coverage.

Bottom Line

Radiofrequency ablation might be just what you need to improve your health. Linger no more. If you seek to discover the benefits of this treatment, contact Elite Veins NY specialists for more information. Call today or schedule your appointment onsite.