It is that time of the month again? While some of your counterparts have pain free periods, the opposite holds true for you. You cringe at the thought of having your periods. It is excruciatingly painful, no matter the pain reliever you use. If that is your experience, visit Fair Oaks OBGYN who will help you make the process at least bearable.
Endometriosis occurs when tissue similar to your uterus lining grows outside the uterus cavity. The tissue can grow either on your ovaries, bowel, or tissues lining on your pelvis. Over time, hormonal changes in your menstrual cycle affect the misplaced endometrial tissue which causes inflammation and pain. The tissues will then break open and bleed at the end of your cycle.
Risk Factors
Endometriosis develops years after the onset of your menstruation. There are several factors which increase the probability of this condition which may include:
While women of all age groups have a risk of suffering from endometriosis, 25-40 years is usually the common group.
Your family history determines a lot of things in your life. Endometriosis is one such element. If your family has a history of endometriosis, you have a higher risk of having the disease.
Pregnancy Timing
If you haven’t had children years into your childbearing age, you are at a higher risk of having the condition. Pregnancy is known to decrease endometriosis symptoms. Notwithstanding, women who have had children can also have endometriosis. Thus, it shows hormonal levels significantly influence the condition.
Menstrual Problems
Issues such as shorter or longer cycles than expected are factors that place you at a higher risk of developing the condition. Additionally, heavier periods than expected can also be a sign. If you started your menstruation at an extremely young age, it could also increase your probability of developing endometriosis.
Endometriosis symptoms vary from one person to another. While another may feel mild symptoms, you could have moderate or even severe symptoms in the worst cases. The symptoms include pelvic pain, painful periods, pain on the lower part of your abdomen before and during your periods, cramps lasting one to two weeks, and even irregular heavy menstruation.
Additionally, you might also experience pain during and after having sexual intercourse, discomfort during bowel movements when peeing, and also intense lower back pains. You might also experience difficulty in conceiving. In some cases, you might have blood in your urine or stool and persistent fatigue.
While endometriosis has no certain cure, your doctor can help you manage the condition. Your doctor may first opt for medication to manage the condition. However, if you have no signs of improvement, you might get surgery. The medication can include pain relievers, supplemental hormone therapy, and also hormonal contraceptives. Surgery is usually the last call for your condition.
Endometriosis occurs in four stages, namely: minimal, mild, moderate, and eventually severe. No matter the stage you are in, always remember endometriosis is manageable through proper medication. Additionally, you can also have children even with the condition.