What You Should Know About a Gynecologist


Gynecology deals with women’s health needs at every stage of their lives by helping them prevent chronic medical problems and issues. Gynecology in Lake Mary is focused on offering preventive care and medical screening for women of all ages. Women with basic and complicated needs find the compassionate and skilled care they need from Dr. Christopher Quincey.

What is a gynecologist?

A gynecologist specializes in female reproductive health. They treat and diagnose issues related to the female reproductive sector, such as breasts, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus. A gynecologist gives sexual and reproductive health services, including cancer screening, Pap smear test, pelvic exams, and testing and treating vaginal infections.

Gynecologists treat reproductive disorders like endometriosis, ovarian cysts, pelvic pain, and infertility. They can also care for people with cervical, ovarian, and other reproductive cancers. Some gynecologists practice obstetricians as well, who provide care during pregnancy and birth.

Why You Should See a Gynecologist

Painful periods. Some symptoms such as breast soreness, headaches, and cramps are common during menstruation. For some women, periods are unusually severe. This can be a sign of uterine fibroids or endometriosis. It would be best to tell your gynecologist about this because there are many solutions to manage this condition.

Vaginal odor. Talking about vaginal odor can be uncomfortable, but it’s important to tell if there is a fishy or foul smell or a change of scent lasting for a few days. Having vaginal odor is normal, but any smells can be a sign of vaginal infection or bacterial overgrowth.

Urinary or fecal leakage. Experiencing fecal or urinary incontinence may be very stressful and reduce your quality of life. Many women would experience symptoms after childbirth, especially if they had vaginal delivery needing forceps or a vacuum. When you enter menopause, these symptoms become worse. You can explain all the signs to your gynecologist, and he will determine the best treatment option for you.

Sexual discomfort. Many women experience vaginal dryness when having sex. It is caused by a woman’s age or mitigating factors. If a woman is postmenopausal and experiences this condition, it can be due to low estrogen. For a young woman experiencing vaginal dryness and has been on birth control, she might not have enough estrogen in the body, and she might have to change her birth control.

Low libido. This is a common condition in women, just that they don’t realize it. Libido can be affected by medications you take or can result from an existing infection or a side effect. Some women have low libido because of things like stress or work. In this case, your gynecologist recommends you use natural ways of increasing your urge for sex. The more frequently you attempt having sex, the desire to have sex increases. This makes you feel intimate towards your partner.

A gynecologist is concerned about a woman’s wellbeing. If you experience any problems or complications during intercourse or periods, contact your gynecologist immediately. Sometimes you might need advanced treatment involving surgery or medication. At Christopher K Quinsey, MD, there are skilled gynecologists who give compassionate care to their patients.

How to Cope with the Symptoms of Menopause

A woman is said to be in menopause when she misses her periods for 12 months. The age at which women reach menopause varies in different women. In the US, the average age of menopause is 51 years. Menopause presents with many changes in the body and a woman can tell that she is in menopause when she starts experiencing symptoms like hot flashes.

Menopause is a normal physiological process in a woman as she ages but some conditions can predispose you to early menopause like having your uterus removed at an early age. Menopause is gynecology in Winter Park issue that is treated by managing the symptoms.

What Causes Menopause?

During menopause, the level of progesterone and estrogen that is produced by the ovary begin to go down thus you are less likely to become pregnant. These hormonal changes cause changes in the menstruation cycle and eventually you stop having periods. Menopause can also be triggered by medical procedures like removal of the uterus before you get to the age of menopause.

Once the uterus is removed, you stop having periods because there is no endometrium to be shed. This also causes hormonal changes resulting in symptoms of menopause like hot flashes. Some women may experience premature menopause because of the failure of the ovary to produce enough hormones due to autoimmune diseases or genetic mutations. These women require to be put on hormonal therapy. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy can also trigger temporary menopause that rarely causes infertility.

What Are the Symptoms of Menopause?

During menopause, women experience hot flashes which cause a rise in the temperature of the upper half of the body. The hot flashes may occur many times in one day and may cause increased sweating and chills and palpitations. Women who smoke, are overweight, or stressed may have worse hot flashes.

Women in menopause may also gain more weight due to hormonal changes which cause the rate of metabolism to slow down. One of the earliest symptoms of menopause is missed periods. A woman is in menopause if she misses her periods continuously for 1 year. Lack of estrogen during menopause causes bones to become weak in a condition called osteoporosis. This could make the woman more susceptible to fractures.

Other symptoms of menopause include vaginal dryness, mood swings, shrinking of breasts, night sweats, thin brittle skin, and sleeping disorders. Menopause also causes some complications like urine incontinence because of the weakening of the muscles of the pelvic floor thus causing urine to leak when lifting things or when laughing or coughing.

Lack of estrogen also increases the risk of heart diseases and clotting abnormalities and this can increase the risk of death. There is also a reduction in libido which is caused by vaginal dryness and reduced elasticity.

How Do You Manage the Symptoms of Menopause?

You can reduce hot flashes by avoiding triggers like caffeine, stress, and alcohol, and by wearing light clothes, drinking cold drinks, and using AC for your rooms. Sleeping disorders can be managed by doing exercise before sleep and avoiding triggers of insomnia like caffeine and stress. Kegel exercises help to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and therefore will reduce involuntary leaking of urine.

Exercise also decreases the chance of suffering from cardiovascular diseases and other lifestyle diseases like diabetes. Vaginal dryness can be managed by using vaginal lubricants and regular sex to improve vaginal blood circulation. Eat a healthy diet and stay well hydrated. Relaxation will help you manage mood swings. Avoid smoking and alcohol as they can worsen the symptoms.

Menopause is the period when the hormonal levels decrease and are marked by missing periods for a whole year. Symptoms of menopause include hot flashes, weight gain, mood swings, and sleeping disturbances. These symptoms can be managed by exercise, a healthy diet, and avoiding triggers like alcohol.