Infertility is not an easy situation to handle; it comes with a lot of stress. The psychological stress women with infertility experience are similar to those experienced by women coping with serious illnesses like chronic pain, HIV, and cancer. Men facing infertility challenges are at risk of having depression, decreased self-esteem, sexual dysfunction, and anxiety. The psychological effects tend to occur regardless of whom, between the man and woman, is infertile. For women experiencing infertility and the associated emotional stress, they may want to consider seeking help from a Houston infertility specialist to find out solutions and treatment to the problem.
One way to help you is first to acknowledge your feelings and then try to identify the issues or things contributing to the most stress. When you identify these issues, you can start devising coping strategies to help overcome the feelings. So how do you go about coping with the stress associated with infertility in women?
Understand the emotional impact of infertility
You will realize that the emotions you experience regarding infertility tend to emanate from inside and outside. You will often find other people reminding you that your clock is ticking because they cannot see you with kids. They do not understand the situation you are going through. You need to try separating the feelings you have and your expectations from those compelling you to have kids. You may be comparing yourself with your peers who already have kids. When this happens, it will ignite and fuel the feeling of anxiety and self-doubt. Between you and your significant other, you may be facing struggles and drifting apart. Some couples may face their infertility problem together, bringing them closer as they try to find solutions.
The need to identify your feeling
Emotions linked to infertility are often not due to one thing; several other factors can contribute to the stress. So, you need to identify as well as name the kind of emotions you have. You could be feeling guilty, having feelings of loss, being jealous or angry, feeling shameful, having feelings of inadequacy or failure, or having a loss of self-esteem. After you identify the feelings you have, consider what they are all about. Look at where they are coming from. Check to see to whom the fears and stress you are experiencing are directed to. Is it your family, your spouse or the community you live amongst? These are some of the things you need to ask yourself to help avoid experiencing emotional turmoil.
Seeking support
Seeking support and talking openly about your infertility problems can help you cope with the psychological distress. Reach out to support groups. Seek a professional counselor. Your OB/GYN may also help you find the way forward.
Knowing what to do when facing infertility problems can help you cope with the stress and anxiety it comes with. You can seek help from professionals to help improve your quality of life and protect your relationship. An OB/GYN may also help with treatment that may be needed.